Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to Disguise Stretch Marks on Bodybuilders

When skin has been stretched beyond its elastic limits, a stretch mark will appear. This generally affects people that grow too quickly or lose or gain weight faster than their skin can adapt to the changes. These marks usually appear on the breast or chest, abdomen, upper arms, hips, thighs and back of the knees.

Generally, women are more susceptible to stretch marks. But, men can also develop them especially extreme athletes. For example, men that practice bodybuilding are especially likely to develop stretch marks.

They work on "bulking up", which causes their skins to stretch excessively in a short period of time. It is highly common for bodybuilders to develop stretch marks along their thighs and lower abdomen. For this reason, several bodybuilders are concerned about stretch marks and stretch mark treatments.

Ways of Treating Stretch Marks

Stretch mark removal is an unlikely solution for most bodybuilders because they don't have excess skin that can be removed. Surgical options are much more adequate for people who have lost a great deal of weight and have loose skin and stretch marks. Nevertheless, there are other treatment options for bodybuilders.
When stretch marks are new, it is possible to treat them with stretch marks creams and other stretch mark products, like rose hip seed oil. However, as they get older it may not be possible to eliminate them completely. Rose hip seed oil is very effective in dramatically reducing the appearance of stretch marks but not in eliminating them.

As a matter of fact, one of the best options for bodybuilders is to cover up their stretch marks. If you are okay with this solution then you should know that there are three basic ways of covering up these bothersome striations: clothing, makeup, and self tanners. Anyone can benefit from using these solutions.

Covering Up Stretch Marks

Clothing is probably the easiest and most hassle-free way of covering up your stretch marks. You can use jackets and long sleeve shirts to cover the stretch marks on your arms while the stretch marks on your abdomen can be covered up using a top or shirt. However, since bodybuilders compete they need other options that will help cover up stretch marks. In this case body makeup or self tanners can come in handy.

Body makeup is thick and more wear-proof than traditional foundation. When you have stretch marks in areas that are hard to cover or that you simply don't want to cover with clothing, this is an ideal option for you.

Another alternative for covering up stretch marks is spray on tans or self tanning lotions. If you decide to get a real tan, then you will only be making your stretch marks darker. But, self tanners will cover the skin evenly and help you avoid too much sun exposure.By:
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