An insufficient number of red blood cells or an insufficient
amount of hemoglobin in the red cells is considered anemia. The most
common symptoms of anemia are: lack of energy, a tendency to tire
quickly, and low resistance to colds and other infections.
There are various causes of anemia. Anemia may be produced by other dis¬eases or may develop as the result of a serious loss of blood. However, there are two common forms of anemia. Here we are just going to talk about iron deficiency anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia is, as the name implies, the result of a dietary deficiency which can be overcome by securing enough iron. Iron is a mineral found in nature and when consumed, through fruits and vegetables, is used by the body in the manufacture of hemoglobin.
In treating iron deficiency anemia, most doctors prescribe their patients patented medicines containing iron and other vitamins which tend to be worthless in treating anemia. These pills may contain small amounts of iron or if high in iron the body will not absorb it correctly, making the pills useless.
Most often an adequate diet and plenty of rest will do more to restore a person to a normal, healthy condition than any combination of pills designed to treat anemia. An adequate diet for those with iron deficiency anemia will be a diet rich in foods high in iron. Some of the natural foods with the highest content of iron are listed below:
Foods high in iron:
Apricots: This fruit ranks immediately behind liver as a source of iron. Apricots should be a regular item on your shop¬ping list because they can do much to build and replenish your blood supply.
Beet greens: A very valuable food! Beet greens are an extraordinary source of vitamins A and B-2. Beet greens are also of great value in enriching your blood with iron and manganese.
Chard: This too little used vegetable is an excellent source of Vitamin A and iron.
Corn: Rich in iron and copper, it is a good source of vitamins A and C.
Eggs: Its protein content equals that of organ meats. Eggs are rich in all minerals, including iron, and B vitamins. Eggs are good breakfast food, containing stable amounts of energy. Hard boiled eggs are easily digested. One egg a day is a minimal amount of this precious food.
Figs: Good laxative quality, rich in iron and B Vitamins. Figs are excellent substitutes for unnatural sweets.
Kale: Is and excellent source of Vitamin A and provides a good supply of vitamins B and C. Kale contains high amounts of iron, calcium and potassium. Eat kale twice a week at the very least.
Molasses: Provide and excellent source of iron and therefore are a must food in the diet of anyone with iron deficiency anemia. Molasses should be substituted for sugar and candy.
Raisins: Another excellent food for those suffering from anemia, raisins are very high in iron. Raisins are also highly alkaline foods, making them helpful in overcoming acid conditions.
Spinach: This super food is an excellent source of Vitamin A and iron. Spinach should be a regular part of everyone's diet and may be served lightly steamed as a vegetable, raw in salads or mixed with other cooked vegetables or eggs.
Recipe for "Blood Building Salad":
Hard boiled eggs
There are various causes of anemia. Anemia may be produced by other dis¬eases or may develop as the result of a serious loss of blood. However, there are two common forms of anemia. Here we are just going to talk about iron deficiency anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia is, as the name implies, the result of a dietary deficiency which can be overcome by securing enough iron. Iron is a mineral found in nature and when consumed, through fruits and vegetables, is used by the body in the manufacture of hemoglobin.
In treating iron deficiency anemia, most doctors prescribe their patients patented medicines containing iron and other vitamins which tend to be worthless in treating anemia. These pills may contain small amounts of iron or if high in iron the body will not absorb it correctly, making the pills useless.
Most often an adequate diet and plenty of rest will do more to restore a person to a normal, healthy condition than any combination of pills designed to treat anemia. An adequate diet for those with iron deficiency anemia will be a diet rich in foods high in iron. Some of the natural foods with the highest content of iron are listed below:
Foods high in iron:
Apricots: This fruit ranks immediately behind liver as a source of iron. Apricots should be a regular item on your shop¬ping list because they can do much to build and replenish your blood supply.
Beet greens: A very valuable food! Beet greens are an extraordinary source of vitamins A and B-2. Beet greens are also of great value in enriching your blood with iron and manganese.
Chard: This too little used vegetable is an excellent source of Vitamin A and iron.
Corn: Rich in iron and copper, it is a good source of vitamins A and C.
Eggs: Its protein content equals that of organ meats. Eggs are rich in all minerals, including iron, and B vitamins. Eggs are good breakfast food, containing stable amounts of energy. Hard boiled eggs are easily digested. One egg a day is a minimal amount of this precious food.
Figs: Good laxative quality, rich in iron and B Vitamins. Figs are excellent substitutes for unnatural sweets.
Kale: Is and excellent source of Vitamin A and provides a good supply of vitamins B and C. Kale contains high amounts of iron, calcium and potassium. Eat kale twice a week at the very least.
Molasses: Provide and excellent source of iron and therefore are a must food in the diet of anyone with iron deficiency anemia. Molasses should be substituted for sugar and candy.
Raisins: Another excellent food for those suffering from anemia, raisins are very high in iron. Raisins are also highly alkaline foods, making them helpful in overcoming acid conditions.
Spinach: This super food is an excellent source of Vitamin A and iron. Spinach should be a regular part of everyone's diet and may be served lightly steamed as a vegetable, raw in salads or mixed with other cooked vegetables or eggs.
Recipe for "Blood Building Salad":
Hard boiled eggs
Aura Kregloh
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