Saturday, November 30, 2013

Green Food-Spirulina

How many of you use man-made substances endlessly in the quest for best vigour? I am talking about vitamins, minerals and so called healthy hearty meal replacements. You must know that until recent times the human species has consumed nourishing natural foods. When imitation food or man-made substances are ingested, the body robs itself of nutrients to construct these products to emerge complete –this in the end leads to deficiencies.
Are you aware that 70 mg. of vitamin C ingested in the form of broccoli, parsley, or Spirulina may reinforce immunity more efficiently then 700mg. of synthetic vitamin C? Studies demonstrate that merely 10% of synthetic vitamin C is assimilated comparison to vitamin C in these green plants mentioned above. There is nothing superior for healthy robust immune system than natural whole complete food.
Look at superior natural green food Spirulina called "Food of the future" for example.
Spirulina is microscopic, multicellular, filamentous blue-green algae that booms naturally in warm alkaline fresh water lakes (32 to 45 degrees) and has even survived in temperatures of 60 degrees C.
The capacity of Spirulina to grow in hot and alkaline environments ensures its hygienic status, as no other organisms can continue living to pollute the waters in which this algae prospers. Spirulina is in fact one of the cleanest, most naturally sterile food found in nature.
Its fine-tunning to heat also assures that Spirulina protects its nutritional value when put through higher temperatures at some stage of the drying process not like many plant foods that rapidly deteriorate at higher temperatures.
Spirulina used for personal consumption is produced on distinctively designed algae farms rather then harvested from a natural environment.
Spirulina is plentiful in important mineral Magnesium- essential to all cells of all known living organisms. Green food-vegetables offer magnesium because the centre of the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium.
substandard magnesium intake often causes muscle to cramp and has been associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders and osteoporosis.
Spirulina is plentiful in beta-carotene and other carotenoids. 100 grams of Spirulina contains 250.00 IU of Vit A in contrast to 28.000 IU in100 grams off carrots!
Spirulina is high in Chlorophyll and blue pigment phycocyanin, a biliprotein .The copious levels of Chlorophyll and Phycocyanin in Spirulina may explain its capacity to thwart cancer colonies from taking place
Spirulina has the gift to stimulate natural killer cells and similar anti-immune components of the immune system that can help to battle cancer cells. Furthermore, these spirulina-stimulated killer cells can battle disease other than cancer, ranging from the common cold to HIV.
I think if they could patent Spirulina or the Phycocyanin chemical, turn it into a drug and microscopically inject it into tumors; they would have a cure for breast cancer right there.” ([])
There is pharmacological facts of cancer prevention with plants, herbs and food that are full off high levels of Chlorophyll, perhaps because pigments in green vegetables- algaes bind with cancer forming cells and thus stimulate excretion of cancer-causing chemicals. What is glorious about Chlorophyll is that it is cleansing, purifying, detoxifying and speeds up liver revival.
For illustration the Japanese are distinguished for the use of Spirulina for positive healing purposes (cancer fighter) for a while. And right now Western medicine is after all taking note of Spirulina's anti-cancer benefits. Interestingly, Spirulina has been used in Russia to treat the victims, mainly children, of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. In these children, whose bone marrow had been weakened from radiation exposure, Spirulina seemed to boost up the immune system.
Spirulina offers ample amounts of immune invigorating nutrients such as fatty acid GLA, beta-carotene and chlorophyll. GLA is also immensely helpful for weight decreas (speeds up metabolism) and inflammatory conditions such as eczema and arthritis, regulates brain function, nerve impulses and insulin (therefore beneficial in diabetes). A standard 10-gram dosage of Spirulina provides 131 mg of GLA Spirulina is the best wholesome food source of GLA other then human milk.
High in protein- Spirulina is up too 68% protein. It has astonishing supremacy to synthesize high-quality concentrated food more effectively than any other algae.
What is absolutely amazing about Spirulina is that three(3) grams (one heaped tsp of powder) of Spirulina is equal to 36 grams of beef, which is slightly more then one ounce.
If you ingest 6-9grams (2-3 heaped tsp of powder)of Spirulina daily it will give you with protein identical of two-three ounces of meat.
According to standard nutritional test, the digestive absorption of the protein in Spirulina is four times superior then that in Beef. Since Spirulina provides about 3x more protein then beef, bigger absorption means, that 12x more protein is accessible from algae than from the equivalent weight of beef.
Those of you who are having difficulties assimilating protein or favour not to chew up protein source from the animal kingdom, then Spirulina is a astounding source for making sure you are getting high quality protein assimilated into your body. in addition it provides vitamin B-12 and other B-vitamins. These are the vitamins that the majority of people are commonly deficient. Vegetarians-Vegans particularly tend to miss out on obtaining enough vitamin B-12 because this particular vitamin is not generally easy to get from the plant kingdom.
By using the Spirulina, you can avert any nutritional shortage of the B-vitamin area
Spirulina is presented commercially in powder, capsules, tablets, flakes and even as broth.
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