Saturday, October 26, 2013

Liver Diseases, Causes and Symptoms

It is a haphazardly formed, firm sports ground like structure which comprises of two parts (a larger right lobe and a smaller left lobe) and two minor lobes. It is placed just under the diaphragm in the upper right abdomen and is mostly under the ribs and is extended to the middle and partially towards the left upper abdomen. While breathing in, it is pressed down by the diaphragm and its lower periphery descends below the boundary of the lowest rib.
· Bile production
· Maintains balance of fluid
· Controls bleeding
· Blood storage
· Fat metabolism
· Removal of hemoglobin molecules
· Liver inflammation
· Hepatitis B
· Hepatitis C
· Jaundice
· Liver cirrhosis
· Liver failure
· Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
· Wilson's disease
· Autoimmune Hepatitis
It is caused because of external factors or attack on own immune system of the body.
· Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the only cause of this disease.
· Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C virus (HBC) is the only cause of this disease.
· Jaundice
o Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and autoimmune hepatitis
o Liver cancer and cirrhosis
o Malaria
o Gilbert's, Rotor's, Dubin-Johnson and Crigler-Najjar syndromes
o Hemolytic anemia
o Billary artesia
· Liver Cirrhosis
o Alcoholic liver disease
o Chronic hepatitis C
o Chronic hepatitis Band D
o Autoimmune hepatitis
o Non alcoholic steato hepatitis
o Inherited diseases
o Bile ducts blockage
o Infections, drugs and toxins
· Liver Failure
o Hepatitis B and C
o Undernourishment
o Extreme use of alcohol for an extended time
o Hemachromatosis
o Reaction to medicines
o Cirrhosis
o Overdose of Tylenol
o Intake of untamed mushrooms
· Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Exact causes are not yet known, however, probable causes due to cluster of disorders that increases risk of:
o Heart diseases
o Diabetes
o Stroke
· Wilson's disease
The causes are hereditary in nature.
Autoimmune Hepatitis
o Abdominal pain
o Skin rashes
o Fatigue
o Joint pain
o Nausea or vomiting
o Jaundice
o Enlargement of liver
o Appearance of abdominal blood vessels on skin
o Dark yellow urine
o Loss of appetite
o Gray or pale colored stool
o Mental confusion
· Hepatitis B
o Fatigue
o Abdominal pain
o Jaundice
o Nausea
o Loss of appetite
o Vomiting
o Dark yellow colored urine
o Joint pain
o Yellowish eyes and skin
· Hepatitis C
o Abdominal pain
o Jaundice
o Loss of appetite
o Vomiting
o Nausea
o Dark yellow colored urine
· Jaundice
o Yellow colored skin, eyes and mucous membrane
o Liver Cirrhosis
o Loss of appetite
o Intense itching
o Loss in weight
o Dark colored skin
o Bleeding from the nose
o Enlargement of breasts in men
o Confusion
o Fluid retention
o Jaundice
o Gallstone
o Blood clotting difficulties
o Bleeding of esophageal vein
· Liver Failure
o Loss of appetite
o Vomiting or nausea
o Fatigue
o Diarrhea
o Swelling in abdomen
o Easy bleeding
o Jaundice
o Mental disorder
o Sleepiness
o Coma
· Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
o Loss of appetite
o Nausea or vomiting
o Weight loss
o Easy bruising
o Appearance of small vein under skin
o Fatigue
o Bleeding engorged esophageal or intestinal veins
o Jaundice
o Lack of sex desire
o Retention of fluid in abdomen
o Swollen feet and legs
o Intense itching of legs, hands or whole body
· Wilson's Disease
o Swollen liver and spleen
o Building of fluid in abdomen lining
o Decreased white blood count and platelet in blood
o Anemia
o Increased levels of protein, amino acid, carbohydrates and uric acid in urine
o Jaundice
o Speech problems
o Softening of bones
o Blood vomiting
o Rigidness of muscles
o Tremors in hands and arms
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