Saturday, May 25, 2013

Anti Aging Cream and Skin Care Tips Revealed - How to Get Rid of Your Wrinkles Within 2 Weeks

Why do we age and get wrinkles on our skin?
That's because as we grow older, the elasticity of our skin becomes lower. And the skin loses moisture causing the skin to sag and lines to appear.
But luckily, there are solutions to beating the wrinkles.
Here are some anti wrinkle skin care tips and creams information for you to take note of:
1. Don't smoke. If you are smoking now, quit. If you are think of trying - don't. Smoking not makes your skin lose its luster, it's also extremely bad for health. Smoking is one of the major causes of cancer and early deaths.
Appearance wise, it blackens your teeth and makes your skin crumple. So don't smoke. Period!
2. When out in the sunny outdoors, wear sunscreen to shield yourself from harmful ultra-violet rays that is damaging to your skin cells under prolonged exposure.
3. Pay regular visits to your dermatologist for a facial and peel.
4. Don't sleep with your face buried into the pillow. As this will cause your skin to be pushed inwards and wrinkle lines to appear. Also, this will help prevent puffy eyes.
5. Drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. Exercise keeps your skin flush. And it gives your appearance a healthy glow. Your skin around your eye, neck, forehead, chest, thigh, nose, stomach and abdomen will be looking fresh and smooth.
6. Manage your stress. Stress is a sure way to age quickly and get the wrinkles out faster than you can imagine. Learn to take things easy. Meditation is a great way to beat the blues. And it also helps you lower your blood pressure.
7. Choose the right anti aging skin cream for yourself. There are plenty of skin care review sites out there. But many just push them blindly.
Select those with a good reputation, and have a proven track record. Essential ingredients associated with anti aging cream and pills include acai berry extracts, resveratrol and collagen.
8. Avoid high intake of sugar. Go for natural skin care supplements like cinnamon and bilberry. They contain super antioxidants and anthocyanidins - natural substances that are give a great boost to your cardiovascular system.
Follow these few anti aging skin care tips, you will look younger, more revitalized and energized. Say goodbye to wrinkles!
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