Monday, May 13, 2013

7 Different Ways To Treat Sinus Infection At Home

Are there ways to treat sinus infection without antibiotics?
Getting an upper respiratory problem affecting the sinuses is unavoidable even in a healthy individual.
There are many causes ranging from untreated colds, allergies to structural issues.
Many people tend to go towards conventional treatment but not everyone is able to tolerate chemical drugs. They have been known to cause side effects in some people and prolonged usage can do more harm than cure.
This is not to say that medicines are bad as they are certainly effective when your symptoms are severe. For example antibiotics have been known to fight bacteria and other chronic diseases.
Sometimes you can manage the pain with home remedies while waiting for your infection to clear up.
The accumulation of excess mucus is the main contributor to upper respiratory infections and inflammation of the sinuses.
In fact there are many treatment options, you just have to choose one that works for you.
The fastest way is to prevent them before they start by treating the symptoms of cold and flu, maintain a healthy immune system and diet.
The main treatment plan is to reduce excess secretions, increase its flow rate so that they can drain through our nose and restore normal breathing.
Here are 7 different ways to treat sinus infection at home.
Steam Therapy
Inhaling steam is an effective method to relieve congested nasal and sinus cavities aw well as pressure. You can do this several times a day and blow your nose gently to get rid of infectious mucus.
Apply Hot Compress
Placing a compress such as a warm wash cloth over your sinus region helps to shrink the blood vessels that lined the membrane and open your nasal passage.
Hot Fluid Therapy
Drinking hot fluid such as herbal tea in particular peppermint several times a day tends to thin and break up your infected mucus for easy discharge.
The warm steam generated does soothe and relieve sinus related headache.
You can combine this therapy immediately after a hot shower to enhance the effect.
Boost Your Immune System
Do you know that certain foods and supplements may help to boost your sluggish immune system?
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is a good start to nourish your body.
Vitamin A plays a role in maintaining the mucosal surfaces and infection by influencing certain cells in our body. A deficiency is often associated with poor immunity and increased the risk of infectious disease.
Another good immune boosting food is yoghurt. Good probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium that dwell in our digestive tract can influence our immunity.
Zinc deficiency in our diet affects the ability of the immune cells to function at its optimal level. It is available naturally in red meat, poultry, fish, nuts, cereal, legumes and dairy foods.
Vinegar solution
Vinegar has been known to kill bacteria and other micro-organisms because of its acidity properties.
Dilute one tablespoon vinegar to half cup of warm water and with a cotton bud dab gently into your nasal lining. If the burning sensation is unbearable you can add more water.
Propolis Solution
Propolis a natural substance made by the bees contains anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that support a range of ailments.
This tincture is available in the local health shop. Add few drops into fifty milliliters of distilled water and apply with a dropper into your nasal several times a day. This will reduce mucus, help clear infection and promote natural breathing.
Herbal Remedies
Herbs have been used for centuries to treat all types of ailments. There are several herbs that are beneficial for respiratory diseases.
Horseradish with its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties is a strong herb to treat infected cavities. Ginger and mullein are other useful types which you can try to ease your conditions.
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