Sunday, May 11, 2014

Eczema Symptoms And Treatment - When Should You Visit The Doctor

Eczema can be detected by sensing an annoying itch usually even before a rash appears.

The chronic itching can lead to sores if scratched, so avoid scratching the eczema infected area as that might worsen your skin condition.
Distinctive skin changes could include:
  • Blisters with seeping and crusting
  • Ear discharge or bleeding
  • Sore areas of the skin from scratching
  • Skin colouring changes -- more or to a lesser extent colouring than the natural skin tone
  • Skin inflammation around the blisters
  • Calloused or leather-like areas, called lichenification, which may take place after long-term soreness and scratching
You can try getting over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream and monitor the inflammation for at least a week to see if there are any improvements.

Visit your doctor if:
  • The eczema symptoms persist after a week of applying over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream and worsened into yellowish to brown pus-filled blisters over existing eczema patches. This may indicate a bacterial infection and your doctor might prescribe you with antibiotic and probably an eczema cream that contains steroids.
  • You've been exposed to anybody with viral disease of the skin such as herpes genitalis or cold sores during an eczema outbreak on your skin. Having untreated symptoms of eczema puts you in an inflated risk of catching the viral disorder.
  • Several small fluid-filled blisters developed in the areas of eczema. This is an indication that you may have developed eczema herpeticum, which is rare but possibly serious complication stimulated by the herpes simplex virus.
     Author: Zilah Zahn
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