Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Information On Child Immunizations

Immunizations are very important in every new-born baby, therefore are necessary and must be given in each and every child during their growth. Immunizations help the babies before there antibodies are strong enough to fight for themselves. They assist in preventing various diseases such as: tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, hepatitis, yellow fever, measles, and pneumonia, just to mention but a few of them.
The vaccines are given in intervals of the babies grow, that is they are given at birth, after 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 6 months and at 9 months. All these ages of the babies age the vaccination are either repeated or they are given immunity against a certain disease.
Types of vaccines.
1. Bacillus Guerin - these is the vaccine that protects a child against tuberculosis, it is administered at birth or before two weeks. The vaccination is on the left arm just below the elbow joint and is administered under the skin, forming a blister which later forms a mark to prove immunization.
2. Polio vaccine - this protects against poliomyelitis disease which inhibits the child's growth. It's administered orally in the mouth two drops per dose and there are four doses i.e. at birth, 6 weeks, 10 weeks and at 14 weeks.
3. Diphtheria Pertussis - this vaccine protects against various disease i.e. diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis A. It's administered on the left upper thigh and is given in three doses i.e. at 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks.
4. Pneumonia vaccine - protects against pneumonia in small children. It's administered on the left thigh a dose of 0.5 millimeters. It's also given in three doses at 6, 10 and 14 weeks. It's normally associated with high fever few hours after immunization.
5. Measles vaccine - protects against measles and is administered at the upper right arm and is given at nine months.
6. Vitamin A - a child is given at six months and there on after every 6 months the dose is repeated until a child attains 5 years of age. Children below 1 year are given a dose of 100,000 I.U and after one year the dose is increased to 200,000 I.U.
All these immunizations are important to every child since their immune system is not strong as yet since their antibodies are not fully developed. Therefore every parent should ensure that their children have been immunized against all these diseases.
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