Thursday, January 30, 2014

How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Cellulite?

Exactly how long does it take to get rid of cellulite completely, from start to finish?
I have probably heard this question a thousand times by now, and I always have the same answer.
It Depends. I know that doesn't help very much but there is no way of me knowing how much effort you are going to apply, or what method you are going to use.
Not only that, everyone of us are unique. We each have different amounts of cellulite to lose, in different areas, and we may choose to do it using different techniques.
What I can tell you with honesty is that most females can get rid of cellulite in two or three months, tops. If you have severe cellulite dimples, then you should expect it to take a month or two longer.
How long does it take to get rid of cellulite through exercise?
If you choose the right exercises you could melt cellulite lumps away in just weeks. The typical workout routine is not going to help, in fact some moves could actually make your cellulite stand out even more.
Most people think that they have to join a gym, or buy expensive exercise equipment in order to get rid of cellulite fast. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The best exercise for removing cellulite quickly will not involve weights, or any workout machinery at all for that matter. You could perform laser targeted cellulite burning exercises using a few, ordinary items found in almost every household.
How long does it take to get rid of cellulite using diet alone?
To me dieting is great for preventing cellulite, but I do not recommend using dieting by itself for cellulite removal.
Here's my advice:
If you are over weight, apply both diet, and exercise together for fastest results. Now when I say diet, I am not referring to the dieting you are thinking of. Just concentrate on cutting down on fat, salt, caffeine, and drink plenty of water.
Not over weight, but have the need to lose cellulite? No problem, just follow an exercise routine at least 3 times per week. Make sure the workout involves both cardio, and toning. You must focus on exercises that stimulate the muscle that lies directly under your skins surface.
Wouldn't it feel great to be able to wear short shorts, and skirts again? Or, could you imagine slipping into your favorite bathing suite, and wearing it to the beach without being self conscious about how you look in it?
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