Here you'll discover 5 natural remedies for thrush. Natural
remedies are on the increase for getting rid of thrush; partly because
the usual drug-based treatments you get through prescription or
over-the-counter only attack the local symptoms, not the root cause. As a
result, many women and men suffer recurrent thrush. So they have been
turning to natural remedies more and more. But some remedies for thrush
work better for some people than others, so here you'll find 5 of the
most popular and effective.
First up, let's see what actually
causes your thrush. Thrush (yeast infection) is caused by the 'overgrow'
of a natural fungus called Candida Albicans. It naturally resides in
most of us without any problems, because our body's good bacteria keeps
it under control. Now and again though, the Candida can multiply and
overgrow into a state that causes thrush.
But why do natural
remedies for thrush seem to do better than mainstream treatments? Your
mainstream treatments are drug-based and usually applied directly to the
thrush symptoms in the form of creams, pessaries, lotions etc. Firstly,
they address the symptoms of your thrush, not the root cause. Secondly,
the Candida fungi can become resistant to the drugs. So that many
thrush victims suffer recurring attacks of thrush. So more and more are
turning to natural remedies.
Here are 5 natural remedies for thrush:
Plain Yogurt
is one of the most popular home remedies for thrush. But it has to be
plain, sugarless, with no fruit or color. And it must have 'live and
active cultures' on the label. This type of yogurt contains
Lactobacillus acidophilus, a friendly bacteria which keeps the Candida
fungi in check.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
First, this
has to be raw, un-distilled and unpasteurized, with no preservatives nor
additives. It is great for re-balancing body pH to help prevent the
growth of Candida. To douche, add 2 tablespoons to 2 quarts of warm
water. To bathe, use 2 cups to a low warm bath. To drink, add 2
teaspoons to a glass of water - 3 times a day.
Raw Garlic
is a natural antifungal agent. Crush a peeled clove of garlic into a
paste and apply to the area. Internally, make up a tampon by wrapping a
peeled clove in muslin or similar cloth and keep in over night. Repeat
nightly until the symptoms vanish.
Tea Tree Oil
is a natural antiseptic. Just add a couple of drops into a nice warm
bath and bathe in it. It can cause 'stinging' for some folks. If this is
you, just sluice with fresh cold water and stop using it. Try another
natural remedy.
Cranberries have natural
antibacterial properties. Use only fresh cranberries or unsweetened
cranberry juice. Never use sweetened juice because the sugar will feed
the Candida yeast fungi.
These are just 5 of the most popular
natural remedies for thrush out there. And on their own, or in
combination, they can be quite effective. But for a guaranteed cure for
thrush you need to also address things that can help 'trigger' the
Candida fungi to overgrow; things like lowered immune system,
antibiotics use, drug habits, bad diet, oral contraceptives, diabetes,
underlying medical conditions, etc. This takes a more wide-ranging
approach to a complete cure and has to include things like diet and
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