Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How to Get Rid of Bruise

You have to wait until the blood is reabsorbed, and that takes time. The capillaries must heal. You can put ice on it for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling, and them warm to help healing. 10 min. on 10 min off, for both cold and warm. Sorry, no way to get rid of it in 24 hours. If it is so important get one of those cover up make-ups.
If you want to know how to get rid of bruises, you may be in for a surprise. Bruises are caused by broken blood vessels on the surface of the skin. There is no way to get rid of a bruise quickly, because bruises are caused by the effect of breaking those blood vessels and remain long after the pain has faded away. Applying a cold compress is one way you might consider if you need to know how to get rid of bruises quickly, but a cold compress will benefit you only if you apply it immediately after the bump that causes the bruise happens.
First, wash the wound with cold water and soap, then put some ice on it . The soap and water is to prevent any infection you might get from peeled skin or cuts that often accompany a bump or fall. The ice serves two purposes: first, the cold helps to reduce the amount of swelling, and second, it constricts the capillaries near the surface of your skin--restricting blood flow and thus reducing the amount of blood that is released from those broken capillaries.
One of the best natural remedies for bruises is by taking apple cider vinegar mixed with water and then apply this mixture directly onto the bruise. The best way to mix this concoction is to take a bowl and put a cup of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water and then mix the ingredients for a moment. After the ingredients have been properly mixed, take a soft wash cloth and place the cloth onto your bruise. Once the wash cloth has dried, you will want to repeat the process several more times.
Apply ice as soon as possible. When you cool the blood vessels around the bruised area, less blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. Flexible gel-filled ice packs, specifically designed for injuries, are available from sports shops and athletes will usually keep a couple of them in the freezer. For most of us, a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel is perfectly adequate. Or soak a flannel in ice-cold water and lay it over the bruise for 10 minutes. Whatever chilling agent you use, remove it after 10 minutes and wait for 20 minutes or so before you re-apply it so you don't overchill the skin underneath.
If the bruise doesn't heal or lasts longer than 2-3 weeks, it may be time to see a doctor. A lot of people don't realize until later in life that they have a blood clotting deficiency, either because they've managed to avoid severe injury, or because age is taking it's toll on the body. Elderly people are particularly susceptible to extended or excessive bruising and the complications that can come from it, so it's a good idea to keep a close eye on their bruises.
Author: james sameul
How to Get Rid of Bruise
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