Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homemade Skin Bleach - 3 Easiest and Most Effective Homemade Skin Whitening Recipes

Fair, radiant, healthy looking skin is a dream of every woman. To make this dream come true ladies are ready to do whatever it takes to achieve this fair, bright complexion. Harsh and downright harmful creams are often used without taking into consideration their impact on woman's health in the long run. Homemade skin bleach is sometimes overlooked as one of the most effective, safe, natural way to brighten one's complexion.
Unfortunately your skin is bombarded with dozens of harmful factors causing a wide range of skin imperfections: environmental pollutions, stressful lifestyle, poor dietary habits, sun damage, long-term use of questionable quality skin care products etc. This list can go on and on.
Homemade skin bleach can be one of the best solutions to many problems like skin discoloration, dark scars areas, freckles, melasma, sun damage, birth marks, age spots, acne scars and so on. The advantages of such solution are numerous. The best part is - you are in control of what ingredients are used for your skin whitening product. You can eliminate the ones you know you are allergic to and add elements that will nourish, moisturize your skin, create a gentle pealing effect to double the effectiveness of the procedure at the same time.
Homemade Skin Bleach Recipes:
1. 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 2 table spoons of light sour cream (or plain yogurt), 1 table spoon of red wine.
Mix all ingredients into a paste. Rub into your skin gently and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. Oatmeal will work as a gentle scrub and will remove the top layer of dead cells, revealing rejuvenated younger skin. Sour cream has a great bleaching effect. Such procedure repeated regularly will make your complexion look younger, brighter and make small wrinkles disappear.
2. 2 table spoons of olive oil, 2 table spoons of sour cream (or plain yogurt), 1 tea spoon of lemon juice.
Lemon juice has the strongest bleaching power, sour scream will rejuvenate your skin, and olive oil will make it soft, smooth and nourished with vitamins.
3. Blend few fresh strawberries, apricots and cucumbers (in equal proportions) into a thick paste and apply on your face skin for approximately 10-15 minutes once or twice a day. This mask is very good for dry and sensitive skin.
All skin whitening masks should be put on your face gently following so called "skin lines": from your chin towards your ears on an angle from bottom to top.
Apply these natural homemade skin bleaching masks regularly and your complexion will be bright and glowing with health and beauty.

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