Sunday, June 2, 2013

Natural Ways to Lose Stomach Fat - Drink Aloe Vera Juice - Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

To loose body fat or loose belly fat, you have to watch what you eat. For rapid belly fat loss, the kind of caloric intake is essential. You don't expect to eat high fat foods and lose the fat. You should be eating a minimum of 1 gram of protein per body weight pound. This means that if you are 150 pounds in weight, you should be eating about 150 grams of protein each day. For complex carbohydrates, you would need a minimum of 2 grams per body weight pound. This will limit your body fat to up to 20% of your intake of calories.
Here are some examples of food to include in your daily diet:
1 Scoop Whey Protein
6 Servings Egg White
3 ounces Turkey Breast
4 ounces Tuna
2 ounce Salmon
2 ounce Sardines
1 ounce Almonds
2 ounce Sirloin Steak
3 ounce Chicken Breast
Natural Ways to Loose Stomach Fat
Cut out the processed foods and stick to raw vegetables and lot of freshly made fruit juice. Aloe Vera Juice is one of the best ways to lower body fat in less time because it attacks the digestive system to make your foods more easily digestible. It also detoxifies your body to get rid of the acidity in your body.
The body is naturally acidic and the foods that you eat add more acid to the body. You want to eat increase the PH (alkaline) balance in your body and Aloe Vera Juice is the perfect natural method to do so.
Get the Aloe Vera Plant and scrape one of its pups with a knife or cut it up in small pieces and blend it into a gel. Mix it with egg white, and a little lime juice as well as honey. Drink that once or twice per day and you will lose belly fat. However, you have to cut out the other nonessential foods from your diet that have trans fat and too much sugar.
Aloe Vera Juice increases your metabolism because of the properties included in it. It strengthens the immune system and gives you more energy. Its natural properties are safe. Get one of those exercise balls and do some sit ups each day. It does not have to be too many and when you do these sit ups using the ball, it prevents any back pain and it makes it more fun for you to do. You can even get away with just three times per week. I find that this really helps.
Here are some Alkaline Foods to add to your diet and Acid Foods to stay away from:
Alkaline Vegetables: Red Cabbage, Spinach, Green Beens, Asparagus, Carrots, Leeks, Turnip, Beetroot, Garlic, Celery, Cucumber, Broccoli, Brussels, Peas, Onion and more
Alkaline Fruits: Lemon, Avacoda, Grapefruit, Watermelon and Tomato
Stick to salads, fresh vegetables and healthy nuts and oils. Try to consume plenty of raw foods and at least 2-3 litres of clean, pure water daily. Flax, Sesame and Sunflower seeds are great alkaline foods.
Stay away from diary, foods that are fatty, milk and cheese.
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  1. nice article but i want to ask you what is the alternative of this juice i mean if someone has no reach of this juice what is the other option which fulfill its demand.
    nutrition plan for a week

  2. Haha Sardines ! Always eat them at least twice a week ! Regular contity of course this help me a lot ! I eat em with rice before workout with 5 or 6 hours
    Yassir From :

  3. Wow, can anyone spell LOSE right? Seriously?

  4. The natural way of the weight loss is more effective for the weight reduction.
    Exercising and dieting are more natural ways for the weight loss.These ways are slow but effective than using diet pills, steroids, and weight loss surgery because these ways have no adverse effects for the health as compare to others.

    Maitland gyms
