Sunday, June 16, 2013

Natural Ear Infection Remedies

Did you know that there is a wealth of ear infection remedies that can help relieve the painful symptoms of ear ache, muffled hearing, congestion, swollen glands, fatigue and fever? Many of these ear infection remedies you should be able to find in your kitchen or bathroom cabinet - or maybe you can borrow them from a neighbour!
Ear infection remedies to relieve ear ache:
Hot and cold compresses
The first and simplest thing you can do for an earache is apply some heat. Either place a heated wheat bag, hot water bottle, or warmed flannel or hanky on the ear to give soothing heat. Alternatively use a hair dryer to blow hot air directly onto the ear.
Onion poultice
Even more effective than heat alone is a hot onion poultice. This is something you can make up at home quickly and easily. To make an onion poultice, heat ½ an onion in an oven or griller for a few minutes till hot. Wrap it in some cheesecloth or a clean cloth and apply it directly on the ear to allow the anti-infective fumes to work their way into the ear.
Plenty of hot fluids
Consuming plenty of fluids keeps ear secretions fluid so they will drain more easily. Hot lemon drinks, chicken broth and herb teas are excellent ear infection remedies.
Ear infection remedies from the kitchen:
Garlic is a well known anti-microbial and is probably the most famous of the ear infection remedies. Try and eat at least a clove of garlic a day. This can be raw or added to soups, teas or dressings.
Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can soothe inflamed tissues like painful ears and swollen Eustachian tubes. Ginger is best used raw. I love adding raw ginger to my vegetable juices - it gives them a nice tang. Added to soups, teas and stir frys, it has a warming effect on the body. If you have not got raw ginger then use it a powder, capsule or preserved form.
Turmeric is a yellow spice with potent anti-inflammatory activity. It is normally used in curries and stir frys but can be added to teas, soups and casseroles as well.
Chicken soup
Chicken soup can bring relief from ear congestion and discomfort. Chicken soup is high in a natural amino acid called cysteine which helps thin mucous and expel it from the body. So dig up grandmother's old recipe, cook it up and enjoy! The canned or tinned varieties of chicken soup are not as beneficial as the home made version.
Vitamin C
One of the most renowned ear infection remedies is vitamin C. Most homes will have a supply of vitamin C. Take at least 3-5 gram a day to strengthen your immunity.
Ear infection remedies from the bathroom:
Essential oil drops
To relieve the pain of infections drop 6 drops of muellin oil or garlic oil in the affected ear every 3-4 hours. Alternatively put a few drops of lavender and chamomile oil onto some cotton wool and use it to plug the ear. If the eardrum has been perforated do not insert anything into the ear.
Steam inhalation
Use a steam inhalation with a few drops of lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus or thyme to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and breathe deeply through your nose and mouth for 5-10 minutes.
You can also make up a massage oil of 6 drops of your favorite oil in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, and massage over the neck and behind the ears.
Ear Infection remedies from the bedroom:
Elevate the head
Ear ache is normally worse when laying down since it prevents easy drainage of the Eustachian tubes. Elevating the head when applying a compress or when sleeping may help drain the Eustachian tubes and relieve pain.
A quiet nurturing room
A good night's sleep is one of the easiest ear infection remedies there is. You should aim for at least 8-10 hours of deep, unbroken sleep. Make sure your room is dark, quiet and peaceful. If you can't get to sleep or wake during the night, then some relaxation music, an engrossing book or a meditation tape can be helpful.
These ear infection remedies are a simple and cost-effective way to help your recovery. The best thing is that you havn't got to leave home to find them!
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